I love you in colors, some days it feels like red.
When all systems go
And I want all you can give
Plus a little more
I could give you head in public space
Or endure your mood and wood
I love you in colors,sometimes it feels like yellow.
Soft yet vicious
Honest and random
In such days,I tell you about us
And recap how you stole my heart,
I let you keep it.
I love you in colors,sometimes it feels like purple
Singular like my only purple ball gown,
I adore you in fine deets,
Holding you in high regard
And telling strangers about you
I love you in colours, sometimes it feels like brown.
That’s the color of your iris
Makes me wonder how favoured I could be
To stumble upon honey
I love you in colors and today it feels like green
You are a lot of things without even trying
And I want to see the world with you,colors too
Make love,babies,memories..

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