Sucker for love

What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

I have always been a huge fan of familiarity as far as plots of movies go. There is a special place within me that delights in seeing events unfold how I know they will. The thrill will still be there,not as deep but thrill is thrill. I saw someone call this some psychology term which I detested and disagreed with. It made me,for a brief moment disregard psychology as the imperfect science that pigeonholes people’s personas.

When I first watched Sarafina,a South African film telling the side of history not deeply documented I was enthralled. The plot is delicate and crisp. Over the years I go back to it and dissect through arguments,sing along the songs word for word and smile at the beauty of dances I haven’t been able to mimick all this time.

Knowing actors in person usually kills my hunger for stories on film. This particular favorite I have guarded myself from information about the actors and actresses. That is the only way to keep my thrill alive.

I tell people that all my life(less that three decades now) I have watched movies lesser than my years. The movies that I enjoyed, I have gone back to them for references and clarity of certain scenes which a junior brains could not warp around. These include Norbit and Deliver us from Eva. Monologues that I consider resourceful have been sourced and duly kept.

In all this I can not stress enough that the facade of love I saw in these movies, as a little girl was a thing of beauty. Still is. Love and basketball is also a contender in this.

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