What was the best compliment you’ve received?

I sat for a moment to figure out what could top as The comment and a befitting title there of. I could not narrow down to one. There’s two true to this,and I can be true to two. See what I did there.

When I get complimented about looks, dressing,hair or body,I easily shush it away.  That’s opinion. It could be a variable. But this one constant…

A fine Friday,my old man called to check on me. He does that often and random. I fill him up on deets of my day and because it had been a heavy one. He told me of how as a young girl I loved accolades. I loved being appreciated. I didn’t do obvious things to earn the thumbs up,but when I did,I’d be upset if it wasn’t forthcoming.  His tales were far-fetched and while he narrated I was waiting for the catch. The direction didn’t spell a clear picture of the destination.

He didn’t conclude or point me to his motive. But it made me identify that that small girl never moved out of home,reads me. I still love being seen,heard and felt.

One of my top hobbies is cooking. I have good hands on food and I love processes. It hasn’t always been it. This is one of those hobbies I picked up in my adult journey. If I enjoy a meal, a dish I must know how to make it. I have cooked for most of my friends. Some even coerce me to visit their towns and cook them their favorite meal. At my mom’s,the minute I step in she hands over her fires and pots.

I don’t say this enough,I put my heart on my sleeves. I could say Midas touch ah well I have already said😂. In all this I still feel  I haven’t captured well enough how good a cook yours  truly is.

Through the years I have been complemented on the same in special ways but one has really stole my heart. My exboyfriend texted me and told me to tell the people I cook for now not to take the timely warm meals for granted. He said he’s missed my pancakes,wheat cuisines, stews. I smiled ear to ear.  Smiles are the biggest appreciation I get, genuine and raw.

I am planning to make eggstew tonight. Yet another evening of; what did you use,what did you add?

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